- Every settlement will start with one or two businesses that you need to supply resources to so you can sell cargo to them
- The most common method is via trucks and setting up the delivery is covered in the Transport - Road article
- Businesses can also be supplied via trains
- The businesses are connected to freight stations via the logistics connection
- The notifications menu will provide you with information about:
- Businesses have a rating:
- Awful / Bad / Average / Good / Excellent
- The rating affects whether the Demand Decreases or Increases
- The rating also affects the Settlements overall rating
- Businesses have a storage buffer
- This is where the cargo delivered via a freight station is placed, and then supplied to the business as it demands it
- If you over supply a business then you will get a notification that supply is exceed
- The price the business buys at will be reduced
- As explained in the Warehouse article, a businesses CANNOT receive goods from a warehouse, it can ONLY receive goods from a freight station
New Business
- As a Settlements overall rating improves, new businesses will become available to sell to
- You will be notified of businesses that you do not yet have the technology unlocked yet
- This is a game mechanic encouraging you to perform research and unlock new regions
- Research
- If you have not yet performed the research, it's very unlikely you will:
- Complete the research in time
- Setup the new factories to make the item
- Transport item to sell to the business
- It's still beneficial to perform the research, but don't be concerned if the business goes bankrupt, another will appear soon enough
- If you have not yet performed the research, it's very unlikely you will:
- New Region
- If you have enough money, unlocking a new region and setting up the transport infrastructure will allow you to supply that business and make it profitable
- You can prevent the business from becoming bankrupt and disappearing if you don't complete research in time or need longer for the new region to be unlocked, it's simply a matter of having the funds to do so
Demand Increased
- Demand will increase when you have supplied enough cargo to the business and improved it's rating
- You will be able to sell more cargo to the business now
- Keep in mind, you will need to deliver more cargo as the rating of the business will adjust as it now demands more
Demand Decreased
- Demand will decrease when you have not supplied enough cargo to the business
- If this continues, it's possible your business will become bankrupt
- Supply more cargo to resolve the problem
- You may also need to investigate if you have other bottlenecks such as:
- Not enough cargo for the vehicles to collect
- Bottlenecks in the road/train network causing delays