Bridges and Tunnels

Bridges and tunnels are used for road, train and conveyor belts


  • Bridges and tunnels allow you to build transport and conveyor logistics that overlap each other
  • Bridges
    • Different technology types are available as they are unlocked via research
  • Tunnels
    • Inexpensive traversal of mountains
    • Not easy to place railway signals inside of tunnel
      • I've been told you can do it when first person in a train


Build Bridge

The start of a bridge


  • The screenshot above show the beginning of a rail bridge
  • You start with the Lay rail tool, click on the ground or extend an existing piece of rail
    • Now that you are in lay rail build mode press B to change to bridge mode
    • As you move the cursor the bridge length will change once the cursor height has been reached (3 by default)
    • Click the mouse to place the first section of bridge


Second stage of bridge changes cursor height to 0


  • The second stage of the bridge changes the cursor height to 0 as you can see in the screenshot above
  • You can adjust the cursor height with X (increase) or Z (decrease)


Cursor height changed to 1


  • After changing the cursor height to 1 you can see that the bridge fits across the road
  • Click the mouse to complete the bridge


Completed bridge


  • Here you can see the completed bridge


Extending the length of the bridge with a cursor height of 3


  • Alternatively, if you wanted to extend the length of the bridge you can change the cursor height to match the height of your first section of the bridge
  • You can run the bridge out like this as long as you want (assuming you have the finances for it)


Bridge building halted


  • You can also stop building the bridge mid-way by pressing escape
  • This can be useful when you have run out of funds or you wish to perform some terraforming
  • When you resume the bridge later, simply start laying rail from the existing bridge section and then press B


Beginning a bridge over water


  • Here's an example of building a bridge over water
  • As per the default settings, the bridge starts with a cursor height of 3



  • Changing the cursor height to 0 allows you to run the bridge across the water



Build Tunnel

Start Creating the first section of tunnel


  • You start with the Lay rail tool, click on the ground or extend an existing piece of rail
    • Now that you are in lay rail build mode press T to change to tunnel mode
      • You can see I've decreased the cursor height with Z to 5 (3 by default)


Desired cursor height has been reached


  • As you move the cursor the tunnel depth will change until it has been reached, then the starting section will expand
    • This is how you know you've reached the cursor height of the tunnel
    • Move the cursor back until those new sections are gone
  • Click the mouse to place the first section of the tunnel


Expand the tunnel to the desired length



  • Expand the second section of the tunnel until the desired length has been reached
  • Click the mouse to create the second part of the tunnel



The completed tunnels


  • The tunnels integrate well with the urban landscape



Conveyor Belt Bridges and Tunnels

  • The building functionality of conveyor belt bridges and tunnels is identical as that of roads and rail
  • The Conveyor Belts article has examples of both, the Multiple Input section is worth checking out